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Greetings dearest gentle readers and lovers of music, let’s welcome Alli brown to our digital space. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Alli Brown’s eagerly awaited original 11-song record, “Undeniable,” was published on February 21. Let’s dive into the details of the record.

“My own superhero” is the album’s title track. The song opens with gentle guitar strums and mouth percussion. This is an empowering song about being strong and independent. Instead of being a damsel in distress, our character rescues herself from trouble (“I’ll be my own superhero, save myself when I need it”). The truth of the matter is, since we know ourselves quite well, sometimes we need to toughen up and fight our own battles and in our victory, we will get a sense of true independence and liberation. This song in some ways felt like an acoustic song, thus the guitar sounds were distant enabling listeners to enjoy Brown’s full vocal range. This first song, tells listeners what awaits them in this album

Up next is the song “Chasing Rainbows”). The song opens with beautiful guitar sounds. In this song, we meet a character whose relationship is struggling but she’s holding on for dear life(“We Will Make It Yeah”). This song illustrates how sometimes we fall in love with someone who doesn’t make sense in the eyes of others but ultimately, the heart wants what the heart wants and we have no control over romantic feelings when encounter a hurdle, we need to whether it and try to make it work. Brown gives another spectacular performance in this song and the guitar sounds are crisp and flawless

“Some people never change” is the next song on the album. The song opens with nice guitar sounds and mouth percussion. The song illustrates the fact that a leopard can’t change its spots. No matter how we try certain situations and people will never change. The best decision here would be to walk away from such situations or such people. Brown sounds fantastic and compliments the guitar work on this song very well

Next up is the song “Lies are circulating”. The song opens with electric and classic guitar sounds. This song is something most people will relate to in that, sometimes when you get into a new relationship and words begin to circulate about your relationship, your partner’s past, or your past(“I wish they will go away the things that I’m hearing”). Hearing such things can make you risk jeopardizing your relationship and even ending it. Many thanks to brown for reminding us that not everything we hear is true and that we can tune it out and live blissfully with our partner. The tempo of the guitar (electric guitar solo)and drum beat go perfectly with Brown’s gorgeous vocals in the song

“I Wish” is the song that is up next. Dreamy Guitar sounds are what you hear when the song starts. The character in the song is wishing upon a star that the person she loves will let go of his current partner and be with her. (“I wish for a minute that you’d let go of her”). Musically, the riffs by Brown were super cool and endearing, the guitar work was as gentle as ever

Next up is “I want it all”. When the song starts, you hear a wonderful guitar melody. Having it all is a phrase that is popular within the female community. Mostly it talks about multitasking or being a wife, a mother, and having a career. It is one milestone most women strive for (“I don’t see why we can’t have everything, I want it all”). This can also be described as ambition which is admirable. Brown sounds phenomenal on this track and listeners will eat it up

“Prairie Smoke”, comes next on the album. The intro alone is very fantastic. This song describes a fully realized character who is doing very well in life and is unstoppable(“You can try to stop me but I’ll go on”). This song takes listeners on a journey that confirms the fact that it is possible to be content in life. The vocal performance and the instrumentation were a winning combination that will delight listeners

“Summer Storm” is the next song on the record. The song’s intro is a thunderstorm sound before Brown begins to sing. The character in the song likens her partner to a storm, telling listeners how destructive he is(“You’re like a summer storm”). Brown captures the feeling of the character in the song and the thunder sounds give listeners a mental picture and an all-immersive experience

Next is the song that follows “Letting Go”. The song opens with slow guitar sounds and faint mouth percussion. The song illustrates a character who is in a bad relationship and talks about how he mistreated her. Brown captures the character’s desperation and takes listeners on this emotive journey

“Underwater” is the next song on the album. The song has a nice melody right from the start. The song talks about a character trapped in a world where he’s set up to fail and feels like his head has been pushed and held underwater or being waterboarded (“I know how the world can collapse in your hand”).

The last song on the album is “Fairytales”. The song opens with piano and guitar sounds. This song talks about the harsh realities of life that mostly come from adulting. The song talks about how we get a reality check after all the stories and fairytales we have been fed. Although it’s bittersweet, we have to find a way to navigate these waters. This fantastic song ends the album

What a Beautiful song. Alli’s favorite songs from the last 10 years are included in this compilation, which highlights her development as an artist. Alli, who has a strong musical background, created a few of the album’s tracks herself and worked with the gifted producer Brecken Jones on six of them. Notably, Alli wrote all of the songs by herself, with the exception of the poignant “Prairie Smoke,” which she co-wrote with her sister Sarah. In “Undeniable,” Alli’s musical inspirations from pop, folk, country, and rock are clearly heard, resulting in a distinctive blend that appeals to listeners. Brown really put her foot in this album, she’s so talented and I can’t wait to hear more music from her

Stream the “undeniable” album on Spotify 

Follow Alli Brown on here and her socials; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube

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