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Greetings dearest gentle readers and music fans worldwide, help me welcome back to our blog Swiss artist Gianfranco GFN. I am not sure stranger to the wonderful talent of this band. One of their many songs that really stuck with me is their song “Are You Lost”, a song about finding one’s purpose. The band has just released another song they have named “Saigon”. The song was released on 23rd July, let me tell you more about it.

The song opens with beautiful and bright guitar strums which are later fused with a lovey and captivating drum beat.

The song talks about a character who is in the city is Saigon and sees the tears or smiles of the people. Saigon is a city in Vietnam and though the city has been renamed to Hoh Chi Minh, it remains the most populous city in Vietnam. The character uses the smiles and tears of the people to discern what the city and its citizens might be feeling or how the city treats its citizens (”cycling on the street I see the smiling faces of Siagon, cycling down the street I see all the tears of Saigon”). The song tells you the vibe of the city so even if you’ve never been, you know how the city is due to this song’s descriptive lyrics, thus creating an all-immersive listening experience

The song features GFN on Guitar, David Caraccio on Bass & Keyboard String Instruments, Nicolas Pittet on Drums, Claude-Alain Biedermann on Keyboard, Vladimir Crabone on Vocals, and Evgenia Vieira as the Backing Voice. The song has an amazing guitar solo you should look forward to and ends with a fantastic guitar flourish that will delight you

I can say without a doubt in my mind that Gianfranco GFN is now an artist after my own heart. The band has made the art of making music their very own, crafting a new and unique path for themselves, a trait that makes them stand out. This song was catchy with vivid lyrics you can conjure in your own mind. The band is talented and will make even bigger waves that no one has ever seen!

Stream “Saigon” on Spotify or SoundCloud

Follow Gianfranco GFN on here and his socials; FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTubeBandcamp

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