The song “I Can Be Your Demon” is about a bad relationship I was in. A heartfelt song that reminds us a little of Lorde’s style, which is really authentic and which we admire in terms of writing.
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The song “I Can Be Your Demon” is about a bad relationship I was in. A heartfelt song that reminds us a little of Lorde’s style, which is really authentic and which we admire in terms of writing.
Doug Beverly’s new single, Contemplating, is a nice surprise because it features a song with several rhythmic changes that draw our attention in the sense of understanding how many sides a single song may reach.
Sister Jack is adding strong guitar tones to post punk with “Come Apart,” which has a gloomy yet beachy atmosphere. When everything in your life begin to fall apart, you may feel as if you are going off a cliff.
Snakedoctors have recently begun to include electronic elements into their music, as evidenced by “Friday Night,” which is heavily influenced by new wave and tells a story about what we could do on the weekend after a long week at work.
Jacquees shared a sultry R&B single, “Say Yea,” following his fire collaboration with CyHi on “Tears,” but that’s not all the Atlanta native has in store for his fans.