

Scarlet Rivera That Gal

Nick Cody Releases Latest Single “That Gal”

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“That Gal” is Nick Cody’s newest single, while “The Heartache” is his current album. Scarlet Rivera, who played violin in Dylan’s 1975 band and on the famous Desire album at the age of 19, is the subject of the song. Kit Baily (wife of worldwide guitarist Martin Simpson) commented in[…]

Vanessa Moussa Rebound song

Vanessa Moussa Shares New Song “Rebound”

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Vanessa’s second single, Rebound, is a ballad about lying. With its sassy singing, honest narrative telling, and blues-inspired instrumentation, this single serves as a gentle reminder to always trust your gut, learn from your mistakes, and occasionally just acknowledge that “you got me good.” Vanessa Moussa is a composer and[…]