Doni-B said “The song is brief is a spill of thoughts of struggling with knowing what you deserve and what you’ve worked hard for, but still not seeing the fruits of your labour.
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Doni-B said “The song is brief is a spill of thoughts of struggling with knowing what you deserve and what you’ve worked hard for, but still not seeing the fruits of your labour.
Eric Alexandrakis shares his new single, “She Sparkles.” Pairing sparse, bubbling synth-pop beats with Eric’s signature saccharine vocals, “She Sparkles” is the ultimate dreamy summer Rock tune.
Agenda Ambiente is a Swedish expat living in Guatemala, the land of perpetual spring, and enjoying life in Central America. Agenda Ambiente originate from a place where winter frequently seemed to stay forever.
You can imagine “Oxygen Type” being played on radios, being a hit at festivals, being played via speakers at a summer BBQ, and waking you up on your morning commute, which is something to adore about it.
“Rock This Way” is another example of how she blends Blues with a Country Rock sound that really identifies her.