new song produced by Tony Zoo, and the music’s dreamy ambience transports you to the global concept of “Night Rider.”
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new song produced by Tony Zoo, and the music’s dreamy ambience transports you to the global concept of “Night Rider.”
Connecticut-based vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Saige Noelle shares her new single, “Sneaky Link.” Pairing sparse, bubbling synth-rythm beats with Saige’s signature saccharine vocals, “Sneaky Link” is the ultimate dreamy summer rythem tune. I believe her much-anticipated album on the horizon, this new single continues her impressive streak of irresistible R&B anthems.[…]
Nemesis, a Los Angeles-based hip-hop artist, recently released “Tigress,” a stylish single that dazzles with its precise vocal flow and exotic woodwind-driven sound. The song sounds similar to Lauryn Hill and plays smoothly. The third song by Nemesis, titled “Tigress,” is a work of art and among the most potent[…]
After the blazing single “Too Big Too Strong,” Clifford switches to a bouncy, toe-tapping sound with “Can We Dance To This.”
However, despite some undercurrent similarities to The Darkness, especially in the interesting voices, Henry Alexander is very different.