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Hi, dearest gentle reader and music fans let’s welcome to our digital space US artistry Lara Taubman. After some significant self-transformation, indie American singer/songwriter Lara Taubman has released a new album in her customary style but with a completely different twist. The Gospel of Getting Free, which has a total of ten songs was released on June 21st and shares her narrative from a positive and revitalized perspective.

The album’s first song is titled “Home At Last”. The song’s intro is a lively guitar strum that’s very inviting. The story in the song follows a girl who left her home and moved to a new place (”a girl came to a desert town far from her home”). This girl left a scary past behind and tried to move on but her past caught up with her(”an old tale about those who didn’t make it”). But the song ends on a hopeful note seeing as the character gets home at last This beautiful story is very captivating and the guitar solo in there is to die for. This wonderful song tells listeners what to look out for in the album going in

The next song is called “The Siren”. These delightful guitar melodies usher you into this song. The song is about a siren who paid for passage on her father’s ship but it seems he failed her and she lost her life (” Who is the siren, who’s the captain”). She then recounts how her father demands that she sing for him (” Sing me something happy like you should”). Kully harmonizes with a male soloist giving the song more gravitas and your interest is peaked and kept throughout the song

“The reason I was born” is the next song. This song changes the tone of the album with its upbeat tempo. This jazz-like song is about a character who is extremely lonely and questions why she exists but she somehow changes her perspective and takes on life with renewed tenacity (”no need to mourn the reason I was born”). The song has a lot of moving parts but the message is advisory, enlightened, and entertaining

“Assyrian King” is the song that comes next. This song has a slow and brief intro. The song describes an Assyrian King and Queen who had different roles to play but both people have darkness in their hearts but fight to get on a path to find love(”on the way to love”). This is a beautiful song That tells listeners that it is never too late to find your way to love and light. The song showcases her beautiful voice perfectly and there is an awesome guitar solo to look forward to

Next is the song called “The Odyssey”. The intro of this song is a breathtaking guitar sound. The song is about a night of passion between two people, the woman in this scenario recounts that night and how he charmed her pants off with the story about The Odyssey and never called her again after that night(”you never called me again”). She then decides to get her healing by herself or on her own by expressing it through song. There is a part of the song where she talks to herself and comforts herself that she has nothing to be ashamed of which is extremely powerful and feminist. The song is very poetic and will enthrall you

“Sugar” is the title of the next of the song. The song opens with an exciting beat. The song describes a character who is addicted to an unamed substance. (” All I wanted was love but you gave me sugar”). This “sugar” could represent any kind of drug or substance and she describes how this sugar makes her feel and how it is her coping mechanism. (” It made me feel better”)This foot-tapping song describes the allure addicts feel when they are around the things they are addicted to which is a new and unique way to explain addiction done so tastefully

Next is “So not me”. The song opens with dark and mystical sounds. The song paints a picture of two friends who grew up together and as they grew up their friendship turned into something more but the girl rejects him (”so not me”). This rejection ends their friendship and after he leaves she realizes that she is blind and has feelings for him as well but it is too late. The song is about regrets and missed opportunities. Musically the mouth percussions in the background give the song this dark edge and take one on an interesting jolly ride

Next is the song “Sing Your Song”. This is a country rock-infused song that is about finally stepping into the light and leaving darkness behind. (”gonna have to sing your song”). This song is an amazing confidence booster that urges you to go with your gut feeling and stand up tall and proud. The song is very great and its instrumentation is just out of this world (the electric guitar solo) and creates a wonderful sonic soundscape

“Love is the rule” is the next song on the album. The song has a short intro and Kully gets right down to singing about a place where love was abundant. The character then tells off the devil that they are doing their very best to keep him out of their land through love (”doing the best that I can, love is the rule of this land”). The song is a profound song that stresses the importance of leading with love in everything we do. Musically Kully gives an outstanding performance and there is a guitar solo that is incredibly beautiful and will sonically be thrilled

The last song on the album is called “The gospel of getting free”. The song talks about a character who is very humane in every way telling people to practice what they preach(” The gospel is in you and me”). This song tells religious people and people in general to practice humanity. This song is a beautiful ballad that has such a profound message and deserves a standing ovation. This magnificent song closes out this beautiful album

Laura has made an album with strong themes of feminism, liberation, willpower, and tenacity that will resonate with people of all ages, and music lovers, no matter the genres they prefer. The songs on this album are beautifully crafted with each song bringing a message of hope and positivity. Laura is a star on the rise and she will dominate the music industry

Stream “The gospel of getting free” on Spotify

Follow Lara Taubman on here and her socials; Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

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