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GrayBeat Levitron

GrayBeat Features Wayne Sayres on “Levitron”

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“Levitron,” GrayBeat’s latest single, combines synths, weird percussion with groovy beats, distorted vocals, and a sax to produce a whimsical yet incredibly complex single that is a treat to listen to.

GrayBeat came up with the idea for “Levitron” in early 2021, before the publication of his album GrayBeat LIVE, while he was tinkering with his synth in search of new sounds. The single was then put on hold until he found Wayne Sayres, a sax and bass musician, and added the sax solo. GrayBeat, on the other hand, noticed that something was lacking. He showed the tune to Grammy Award-winning producer Mike Mangini, who advised adding a voice component and tweaking the mix to allow the listener to focus on specific parts. As a result, “Levitron” evolved into what we hear today.

As the headline implies, “Levitron’s” proposal is to transport us to unknown locations while making us feel weightless. Even sounds we think we’re familiar with sound as though they’ve come from another planet. The sax solo by Wayne Sayres is an example of this: A funky saxophone that sounds strange and futuristic, but retains a nostalgic quality in its jazz licks. And when they all come together, it all feels natural, as if it was always supposed to be that way. However, the composition method contributes to the feeling of floating. GrayBeat makes the track flow in an unnatural manner from one segment to the next.

GrayBeat Levitron


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He places a sound or element (the synth, the sax, the beats) in the limelight, and when that instrument has completed its task, it passes the baton to another. As a result of the invisibility of the metamorphosis, our focus instinctively shifts.

The song “Levitron” is unexpectedly sensual. GrayBeat uses music to create physical reactions in our senses, such as floating and being taken away by a tractor beam. He’s made a whimsical, hilarious track that you should listen to.

Listen to GrayBeat Levitron song which features Wayne Sayres below.

Don’t forget to follow GrayBeat on Instagram, Facebook & on Twitter.

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