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Greetings dearest reader and music lovers let’s welcome US artist Sofia Stephens. She has released a new album called ” Love and Grief”. The ten song album was released on 11th October. Let’s talk more about the album.

The first song on the album is called “muscle memory”. The opening of the song is a strong electric guitar riff. Now let us talk about the context of the the song’s title Muscle memory is when you stop doing something but when you return to start again your mind automatically reminds you and you remember every single step. It’s like you never stopped. The character in this song describes her former relegation and how somehow and someway she finds herself going back to him and just like muscle memory, it’s like he never left (”that you know we know everything about each other”),(”its muscle memory”). The song is so beautiful. I love the way her voice is raspy yet commanding.! The song was the best choice for Sophia‘s album

“Get go” is the follow-up song. This song also has a burst of energy and has this rock elements right from the beginning. The song is about a character whose relationship deteriorates and then begins to ask his partner where and when their problems started (“where did we let go at the get-go”). The song’s vibe and its instrumentation are in contrast to the message of the song. It is not boring in spite of the message in the song. The instrumentation is vivacious even though the message is sad which is a fantastic quality to posses

“Up in flames” is the title of the next song. The song opens with great piano and guitar strums. The persona in the song is beating herself up for her broken relationship and she talks about how she could see the the end of their relationship but still went along with him, throwing her gut feeling out the window (“I knew this will go up in flames. The vocal performance is raw and very passionate. It’s the type of performance that sucks you in with its special allure

The song that is up next is called “Love and Grief”. The opening of this song has traces of synth and stringed instruments which are irresistibly beautiful .song is about a character who has realized that her relationship is not going to survive despite her trying to bring it back to life but has lost her footing(”I hoped this won’t happen”). As usual, Sofia sang her heart out, drawing listeners into the character’s mind and what she was feeling

“Enough is enough” is the song that comes next. A distance guitar and then Sofia starts to sing. The character in the song has finally found her worth and has stood up to her oppressor or the person who has held her in a relationship and treated her so so badly (”are done, you’ll leave me with more than enough, enough is enough”). The repetition of enough Is enough serves as the level of urgency of the character and her desperation. We also hear another side of Sofia’s voice and it will thrill you

The next song is titled “Things Would Never Be the Same, the song opens with beautiful piano sounds. The song talks about a relationship where the woman feels relieved because her relationship has ended (“There’s something so enticing In knowing that we’ll never be the same”). The vocal performance is nothing short of angelic and so is the instrumentation

Next is the song “Little Things. This song’s intro has beautiful country influences. In the song, the persona describes how she maintains her relationship, her secret is that she makes notes down little things that her partner wasn’t obligated to but did for her, so she goes to these little things to remind herself that whatever is going on now, he loves her. The song is beautiful and it sells the hopelessness and relief she is feeling at that moment, another quality this song possesses

Next is a song “Time Passes By”. The song intro was so immaculate. The song can be seen in two ways; the first is that she’s saying goodbye to someone who shared his life with her and is nearing his time’s end. On the other hand, it could be a goodbye to a past lover, a relationship That ended cordially. It is rare when a relationship ends with peace and without violence, thank Sofia for giving us another way to see relationships when it has ended

“I’m Still Here” is the song that is up next, Operatic piano is what greets listen to listeners. This song such a beautiful declaration of love and you will enjoy every moment and this song is. The song will take you on a journey about giving up

You up for the sake of love, hoping for the best The final song on the record is “Beautiful Life”. This song to me is the culmination of life and the album which is a fun bonus. The song is a beautiful highlight of majestical and pristine musical harmony. This gorgeous song says goodbye to the album

Stream the “Love and Grief” album on Spotify

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