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Greetings dearest gentle reader and music fans worldwide let’s give a warm welcome to Jacre. British singer-songwriter Jacre, who is renowned for his ambient and expressive style, has released a powerful ballad called “If You See Her”. The song was released on 4th September, let’s dive into the song’s details. The song opens with a heartfelt piano melody that hugs you like a blanket on a cold or rainy day

The song is what I will describe as soaring and heartfelt. It tackles the difficult subject of saying goodbye to someone you still love (” If you see her tell her I was here”) while hoping that someone else will take care of them while you’re away. (”If you see tell her I don’t need her, its the kindest way, the kindest lie I can bear”). The persona asks that she be treated with kindness while he’s away and cheered up when she’s feeling blue. The song is emotive and the storyline will tug at your heartstrings

The song is a strong ballad with piano and strings. The violin solo is the perfect garnish for this incredibly emotive song. The song is a monument to Jacre’s singular talent, with its grand orchestration and moving lyrics.

The song is a beautiful song that speaks volumes in terms of lyrics and musicality. Jacre has a very tender and gentle voice that will easily captivate you. Not only will you be charmed by the vocal performance, but you will continue listening because it is operatic and incredibly majestic. Jacre knocked this right out of the park and I can’t wait to hear more from him

Stream “If You See Her” on Spotify or SoundCloud

Follow Jacre on here and his socials; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

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