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Greetings dearest readers and cherished music lovers, let’s welcome back to our blog German duo Bunch of Ace. I have had the honor of enjoying the music of this extremely talented duo. The song in question is titled “Every Day”, a song about taking chances in life, exploring opportunities, and grabbing life by the balls. The band is back again and ready to thrill us with their latest offering, a song called” Apple Tree”. This song was released on 9th August, now let’s talk more about this song

The song opens with an extremely delicate and beautiful piano intro that is absolutely breathtaking and when the guitar sound is added to it, you become so eager to hear the vocal performance and hear the lyrics and melody

The song uses a metaphor to describe the theme of the song. The character in the song describes herself as an apple tree. First, she hopes that the rainy days will stop(“That the rain is gone”.). After shouldering the rain which signifies difficulties in life, she realizes that she has profited from the rain immensely and is now growing and producing a very nice harvest (“my apple tree is blooming nice”). The song gives listeners the hope that things will get better and just like gold, we need to pass through the fire and just like a Phoenix we need to die or be burnt before we can be reborn and thrive. The song’s lyrics are very profound and the instrumentation, including the vocal performance, is absolute perfection


The song is versatile song with different parts of the song sounding like different genres of music. There is an electric guitar solo, a piano solo, and some very nice sound percussions. The song as a whole is a very cool song that will thrill listeners

Bunch of Ace is standing on business with this song. The song was advisory, the lyrics profound, and the vocal performance and instrumentation were just perfect. I was very intrigued by their other song “Every Day” but now I’m totally sold. The duo obviously make wholesome music that everyone can enjoy and that is something that is very endearing. The band is very talented. Look out world, here comes Bunch of Ace

Stream “Apple Tree”’ on Spotify 

Follow Bunch of Ace on here and their socials; FacebookInstagramTikTok, YouTube

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