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Hi everyone! Welcome to our blog. Let’s welcome back to our blog The UK band The Gerry Farrow band. The band consists of Gerry Farrow on vocals and guitar, Brian Rodwell on drums, Rob Bullock on lead guitar, Stuart Wood on percussion, and Andrew Chorlton on bass. The band released a song titled “Giving Up” and I really connected with the song whose message was that sometimes no matter how hard we try we can fail and that failure and giving up are completely normal and inevitable. On 28th June the band released a four-song EP called “Drink (to the music in my head)” Let’s get into the details of the EP

The EP’s title track is called “Drink (to the music in my head)”. The song’s intro is a beautiful mixture of drum and guitar strum. The song has a lot of layers to it when it comes to themes and lyrics. The character in the song is raising a glass to various aspects of life both good and bad(”drink to the music that we love”), missed opportunities, and life itself. It also encourages us to celebrate love, (”drink to you and me”), dreams, and every aspect of life. The sound (especially the guitar solo)and the song itself is a cheery and fun song you can have a good time with. The song introduces us to what the EP is going to sound like or the voice of the rest of the EP

Next is the song called “Giving Up”. I have had the pleasure of listening to this song over and over again since the band released it as a single, due to this fact I might be biased on everything that makes up this song but I truly believe that this song is special and I didn’t regret listening to it. Thematically the song normalizes the feeling of despair and the action of giving up.(”the damage has already been done”). Listening to this song is deeply calming not only because of its calm nature, and phenomenal instrumentation (another amazing guitar solo”)but also because the lyrics are very relatable, comfort you, and make you feel seen which is an excellent quality that this song possesses

The next song is called “Be someone else”. The intro is a very soothing and smooth. In the song, the character is telling his lover or partner to imagine going to a different place with him, start anew and have some alone time with him(”fly with me to another place far away from home”). He asks her to forsake herself, be present with him and be a different person just for the night( “we could be somebody else tonight”), the lyrics indicate that he is trying to spice things up in their relationship and be spontaneous (”we could fall in love again tonight “). The song is very beautiful with unique instrumentation that encourages listeners to try to keep things fresh in a relationship lest one takes the other for granted

The last song on the EP is called “All the misfits”. The song begins with a nice soft and tender guitar sounds before the vocal performance begins. The song describes a persona who does not feel seen by his partner. Even though he’s in a relationship he feels neglected(”tell me do you only see me when I’m right in front of you”) and resorts to hanging out with misfits hoping to get some attention or reaction from her .Musically, the song’s tempo is quite unique and the electric guitar solo will leave you speechless and breathless. The EP opened with greatness and ends in a similar way

Just when I thought the band had blown my mind, here they come again with these collection of songs. The songs were created intricately and every lyric, every sound, every instrument and every melody left a good and lasting feeling with you even when the songs ended. They are improving their sound with every release, they have jumped light years ahead of their peers in the music industry and I can’t wait to hear their next release

Stream the “Drink(to the music in my head”) on Spotify

Follow The Gerry Farrow Band on here and their socials; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube

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