Greetings dearest lovely readers and music lovers let’s welcome to our blog the New York band Cornelius Eady Trio. Cornelius Eady Trio returns with their latest, “PAINTING” an 8-track acoustic EP, featuring the powerful musical weave of Charlie Rauh on acoustic guitar, bass, and percussion and Lisa Liu on acoustic guitar and keyboards. The painting is this sonic, artwork with songs that range from the domestic to the political. This EP was released on the 22nd of June, let me tell you more about it
The EP’s first song is called “Painting Song”. The song opens with a very bold guitar sound and you are met with this powerful voice. The character in the song reveals his innermost feelings through painting, he paints with no remorse and doesn’t care what you think of his work(”see what you see”). The song’s vibe is very relaxing and mellow allowing the vocal performance to shine quite brightly throughout the song, however, the guitar sounds take over the ending of the song and ends with a magnificent flourish song speaks the character’s truth minus the judgment and opinions from the world and the song gets you excited and can’t wait to hear the rest of the EP
Next up is the song called “Come and take your boy”. The song has a great opening and the vocal performance is very soft almost whisper-like. The piano sounds are also present but don’t overtake the guitar and vocal performance. The song is about a person who doesn’t fit anywhere so the other character in the song asks that he be taken away (” Take your boy”). The melody of this song is very crisp and the vocal performance morphs into something unique and completely than the first song
The next song that follows is titled “Rich Man and the Reaper. This song doesn’t have an instrumental intro, it dives right into the song. The song tells the story of a rich man who tries to bribe the Grim Reaper (which is a symbol of death across many cultures), it seems that he’s trying to cheat death using his riches but the Reaper is uninterested and is determined to do his job (“Richman told the reaper can I buy all of you, reaper told the rich man that you’ll to do”),(“yes you’ll have to do”). There is a guitar solo mid-song which is to die for. The song has a unique story embedded in it and will keep you captivated or you’ll be captivated by the unique and beautiful instrumentation
“The Unworried Life” is the title of the next song. The song’s intro is these delightful guitar sounds. The song describes a character who reassures his or her partner to try to live a life without worry or strife (”the unworried life”). One unique factor about this song and setting it apart is that after the artist sings a line of the song, there is a guitar riff completely identical to the melody of every line he sings and then there is this piano and guitar riff solo that with enthrall you. I am confident to say that this song stands out due to its structure and lyrics
“Military School” is the song that follows. The song’s intro is tender and soft. The song tells the horrifying tale of a school shooting, where a student of said school goes on a rampage with his riffle fully loaded (”I’m not a soldier I’m just a child”). Aside from the character who is terrifying his schoolmates, there is the narrator, locked in his classroom, afraid to go out and hoping that he and his friends make it to the end of this tragic event unharmed. (”I’m not a martyr, I’m ten years old”)The song discusses this delicate issue in an equally delicate manner, using soft instrumentation and soft melodies
Next is the song “God will get the glory”. This song is a breath of fresh air in the EP. The intro is lively and colorful. The acoustic nature of the song is deeply felt in this song and it sounds like the sound played when two people are to duel with a gun in a cowboy movie. The persona talks about the fact that you can kill someone but not his glory. The repeat of the line “God will get the glory now” conveys the urgency of his message
Next is the song “Manhattan is the island of Misfit Toys” The song’s intro is cheery. The song talks about the inhabitants of Manhattan and how some of them want to escape the place but can’t (” You don’t have to take it anymore”). The song is vibrant and the guitar skills are on show creating an electric sonic atmosphere
The last song on the EP is called “The Way You Leave”. The song starts with very lovely guitar sounds. The song describes the way an unnamed character says goodbye and leaves pieces of things that they can hold on to after the character says goodbye (” This is the way you leave”). The song has this clap-like sound that you can hear throughout the song after every line is sung. The song is amazing and closes the EP in such a lovely way
The are many things I could say about this album but I fear none of them will be sufficient and accurate because the album is simply amazing. The songs were crafted meticulously and the vocal performances were great, however, the MVP of this album was the guitar work on this album which deserves a standing ovation and an encore. The band knocked this one out of the park and I can’t wait to hear more from them
Stream the “Painting” EP on Spotify
Follow Cornelius Eady Trio on here and their socials; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bandcamp, YouTube