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Agenda Ambiente Push!

Agenda Ambiente Out With “Push!”

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Aiming to push everyone a little bit harder on the dance floor, at the gym, and everywhere else, Agenda Ambiente’s most recent release, “Push!” is a dance-oriented electronica production.

You can enjoy big room EDM and dance-oriented electronica with Agenda Ambiente, as well as a significant amount of house, techno, and trance influences (some would say that they are all the same). Despite the fact that I recognise EDM as the origin of other subgenres, I don’t. This music is dance music because of the beat!

Read also: Ge & Luke Releases Latest Song “A New Sun Rising”

Agenda Ambiente is a Swedish expat living in Guatemala, the land of perpetual spring, and enjoying life in Central America. Agenda Ambiente originate from a place where winter frequently seemed to stay forever. minus 25 C? not unusual It’s always spring where Agenda Ambiente is from. Plus 25C? essentially always. My output is positively impacted by this.

Agenda Ambiente was raised in a musical environment because his father played the accordion and the organ. When he was 17 years old, Agenda Ambiente purchased his first synthesiser, but he didn’t release his debut album until last year. Many more shortly followed this.

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